Please give a big BRNGB welcome to Marco and Warwick who joined the family today.
Warwick (front, slightly lighter face) is 7 years old, Marco (darker face) is 6 years old.
Both are under assessment, so please do not enquire about adopting them, any applications will go unanswered.
Both boys were stud dogs, and are quite happy in each other's company, however as they are both entire they will be making their way to seperate foster homes in due course to be assessed seperately. We think their teeth will need some treatment, they will both need neutering, and of course anything else, if anything else is noted.
Marco appears to have cherry eye which if treatment is recommended and needed we will get this arranged for him.
They are enjoying a fuss and are exploring the house and garden as well as making friends with the resident hounds.
They will be having their initial vet check in the coming days, and we will update afterwards.
They came with very little so we have included a wish list below, if the list is empty their wishes have been granted. If you would rather donate to their care a link is below where donations can be made.
Thank you of course for everyone who donates to the wish lists and the care of our hounds. Also thank you to the transporters who collected these lovely boys today and their emergency foster family for taking them in at such short notice.