Please welcome Honey back into the BRNGB family.
Honey is under assessment and is not ready to be adopted, any enquiries regarding Honey will go unanswered.
Honey was originally surrendered into the BRNGB family way back at the start of 2017. Her previous foster family went on to adopt her and give her a fabulous life. Honey is 10 years old, 11 in the next few months (according to her records)
Sadly circumstances change; and Honey has been welcomed back into the family with open arms.
We offer full rescue back up for all BRNGB hounds, and this is why. We know things change, we know sometimes the Hounds need us a second or even a third time and every one will be welcomed back.
Honey arrived today and is settling into foster life. She will need a few things and a list will be made over the next few days. Honey will of course also have her vet check in the coming days.
If you would like to donate to Honey's care the link to do so is below.
Thank you as always.