Hounds Currently Under Assessment

Hounds Currently Under Assessment

Once we have a full assessment of these hounds they will be available for adoption. Please note that enquiries will go unanswered whilst under assessment

Considering Adopting a Basset Hound?

If you are able to make a donation towards the expenses and vet fees while the hound is under assessment please click the button Donate


Hits: 1306
  • Name: Katie

  • Age: Unknown

  • Sex: Female

  • Location: Lincolnshire

22 January 2025

Lovely lady Katie who has been so much in her short life.  Found as a stray in a sad condition and no one apparently looking for her back in June 2024. 

She's had a rough ride with various ailments and treatments needed and she may still need some surgery on her beautiful eyes once she has stopped growing.  If that happens we will of course be responsible for the costs and will make sure her eyes get the treatment they need. 

Apart from her eyes, which are not concerning at the moment, Katie is fit and well.  She loves life, she loves her foster siblings, she's funny, cheeky, loving and such a good girl. 

We are so pleased to say that what Katie did next is probably no shock to anyone, but she found her forever home.  Her foster family have adopted Katie and we are so pleased. 

Katie arrived as a scared, poorly little girl and her wonderful foster family have helped her trust and love again. 

Thank you to everyone who supported Katie, congratulations Katie, the second hound to be adopted in 2025.  

17 November 2024

What Katie did next……..well what Katie did next was go to her vet check up and tell the vet in no uncertain terms what she thought of him and his clinic.  So much so Katie and foster mum were asked to leave the building whilst a mass “clean up” was carried out and they would then examine Katie in the car park.  We’ll let your imagination fill in any blanks you may have!

Think it’s safe to say Katie isn’t a fan of going to the vets, which is understandable considering everything she has been through since being found as a stray back in June.

Katie was at the vets for a check up on her eyes, although the entropion surgery healed well, Katie’s eyes have been suffering and sadly she has conjunctivitis now.  She had a couple of injections and has eye drops and until this has cleared up the vet won’t sign her off.

Apart from her eyes Katie continues to be a very loving, cuddly girl.  She is now a good weight of 23.4kg.  She’ll cuddle up with everyone and anyone (who can spot the sausage in the bed?) and has really fallen in love with resident hound Ernie.

She really is a very special girl, from being found underweight, with sores to now ruling the roost and definitely not backwards in coming forwards!

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported Katie, be that just by liking her posts, sending donations and love.  We are eternally grateful for the people who found Katie and kept her safe whilst we could collect her.  We really don’t understand how anyone could just leave this girl to her own devises and not even be looking for her.

29th September 2024

Well a lot has been going on with Katie the last few months.  

She has been an absolute star in foster, she loves everything and everyone, especially going out and about and sneaking sausages.  Her favorite thing at the moment is sticking her tongue out. 

She had a wobbly couple of days when she wasn't feeling great; she had an emergency appointment with the vet and they were happy it wasn't anything scary.  After some TLC she was back on form putting the boys of the house in their place and back to loving life. 

Katie has been spayed now.  She heals so quickly from any surgery and literally has to be reminded that she shouldn't be charging around like the loon she is! 

Earlier this week she has also had her eye surgery, you'll remember she had entropian.  Now you can see her beautiful eyes, and again she has healed so very quickly!  She will be back at the vets soon for a check up and sign off. 

Considering this lovely girl was found as a stray with no one looking for her, she is the most adorable, cuddly, happy, cheeky hound....and because of you all she now has the best and healthiest start to the rest of her life 



July 2024 

On the 3rd July Katie had an adventure to her wonderful vets.  She loves all people, the vet included and is such a very good girl, she has a wonderful happy soul, we of course wanted her pain free and healthy so off she went to have her eye and tummy surgery. 

Katie's eyes and tummy were operated on, and she came home the same day to recover.  There are photos below from the day of surgery 

Katie is clearly made of tough stuff because within a day her recovery has been amazing, she's bounced back and is healing wonderfully.  We know she has a while until she's totally recovered but Katie needs reminding of this.  Just look at her even more beautiful face without those poorly eyes 

Katie will needs eye drops twice a day for the foreseeable, but again, she's taking them in her stride.  She is just the most perfect patient. 

Once the time is right with her seasons Katie will be spayed, we didn't want to delay her eye and tummy surgery waiting for this.  We are blown away by how quickly she has recovered. 

She looks like a totally different hound, hardly any urine stains anymore due to lots of baths, her paws are recoverying, her tummy is how it should be, and for the first time in a long time her eyes are clear and she can see, most importantly, not in pain. 

The tummy lump will be tested and we will update with the results. 

Thank you so much to Katie's foster mum who is taking such brilliant care of her as well as the vet who, as you will see below, was fabulous with Katie, not only in their care of her, but such reasonable costs as well. 

June 2024 

Katie arrived in our care a little over a week ago. 

She was found in very poor condition as a stray.  She is chipped but there are no details, not even a date on implanting the chip.  No one is looking for her, we've contacted rescues in the area where she was found, wardens, searched for posts, adverts, lost dog websites, anything which could find her owners.  

Some of the photos below are quite distressing, so please be warned. 

We know nothing about Katie, not even an age or her original name.  What we do know is she is in very poor condition; very underweight; her paws on arrival were sore from, what we can only assume, walking the streets.  She is seriously urine stained.  She has bilateral cherry eye in both eyes as well as severe conjunctivitis in both eyes and entropian.  

She has had a litter at some point and as you will see has a significant umbilical lump which will need investigation and removal. 

She has serve dermititis and her claws were incredibly long. 

Katie was at the vet the day after her arrival and has treatment for her eyes, her skin, had her nails trimmed and lots of baths. 

The first night at her foster she bedded down in a nest of beds and blankets and slept like she had never had the chance to sleep before.   She is eating little and often to try to get some weight on her, and she loves her food. 

As we know these Hounds are resilient; Katie has the most amazing soul.  She trusts so easily, she loves playing with the resident hounds.  She certainly isn't shy in making herself at home and jumping up on a sofa for a snooze.  

She is a real quandry as to her past.  She's clearly been used to breed, she's clearly not lived comfortably recently, no one is looking for her,  health wise she is in a terrible state, but she knows basic commands, she knows how to ask to go outside for the toilet, she has seen love to a certain degree at some point in her life. 

Just over a week and she is loving life and is showing a massive improvement with her eyes and sore paws, as you will see below.  

The treatments are working with her eyes and she is more comfortable, although surgery is needed in the near future.

Her skin is going to need continued treatment for the foreseeable. 

Her lump will also require surgery......

But she is safe, she is loved, she is happy and we will get her everything that she needs when she is well enough and strong enough to have the surgery she desperately needs.

Can you see the improvement in the photos below in just a short time? 

We are so grateful to the emergency transporters who went out late at night to collect Katie from where she was being kept safe from the streets until we could reach her.

Her foster family are working their magic with her, or is she working her magic with them? 


They never ever leave a Basset behind always do everything in their power to get the hounds to the right fosters and forever homes in a word they are "AMAZING".

BRNGB Supporter

Great work, no hound gets left behind. A true sentiment that is the embodiment of what this organisation is about. Great work team.

BRNGB Supporter

They do a good job of saving these hounds and finding special homes for life. They also work hard to raise money to pay for any vet bills.

BRNGB Supporter

They do outstanding work with the hounds & always put them first, They match hounds with their perfect parents & when they need vet treatment they get it done, these people are Amazing, could not recommend them enough

BRNGB Supporter

Thank you for sending my recent purchases from your shop. Very efficient and wonderful quality merchandise, particularly the canvas/hessian bags and the t-shirts

BRNGB Supporter

We have the privilege of adopting Dylan. The whole process was seamless and very reassuring that they cover all bases, both in relation to vetting us and also in the assessment of the hound

BRNGB Supporter