Hounds Currently Under Assessment

Hounds Currently Under Assessment

Once we have a full assessment of these hounds they will be available for adoption. Please note that enquiries will go unanswered whilst under assessment

Considering Adopting a Basset Hound?

If you are able to make a donation towards the expenses and vet fees while the hound is under assessment please click the button Donate


Hits: 1054
  • Name: Henry

  • Age: 5 years 

  • Sex: Male

  • Location: Lancashire

25th January 2025

Well, King Henry has been sulking over the last few days as the weather has not been kind up north (or anywhere really) and it upset him that he couldn't go and parade himself to his adoring subjects! He really does love his walks now. 

However to cheer him up, his wonderful foster family asked to become his actual, real life family.

After all the work they've put in, after all the socks Henry has stolen and run off with, after all the hours of plodding around, the tears at the vets seeing the weight melt off, who are we to say no? 

So congratulations Henry, you have won over the hearts of everyone you have met and we are so very proud of you and your family.  

A huge thank you to every foster who has helped Henry get this far, everything happens for a reason and your reason was to find your forever. 

Thank you also to all of Henry's supporters and volunteers. 

We look forward to seeing how you progress King Henry!

19th January 2025

Henry, or King Henry as he is affectionately known joined the BRNGB family back at the beginning of September.

Henry is 5 years old and on his arrival, he weighed a whopping 44 KG (6.9 stone in old money). As handsome as Henry looked, carrying all that extra weight was causing him massive issues. Henry would refuse to walk more than a few meters, possibly due to pain carrying all that extra weight. The weight was probably also causing issues with his heart and lungs.

By the end of October Henry weighed in at 34KG (5.3 stone), that's a whopping 10KG off in the space of 2 months which is mind blowing amazing.

We are so pleased to say Henry had a further weigh in at the vets this last week and is currently 32 KG (5.03 stone) which is a far more acceptable weight for a basset like Henry! We were overjoyed when his foster mum phoned up in tears to tell us the amazing news, and yes she did cry at the vets when she saw the scales.

That is a huge 12 KG (1.9 stone) off since October.  That is the same as Henry losing the weight of an average 2 year old human!! Imagine the relief on Henry's joints, back, heart and lungs that he's lost that weight.  Would you want to be carrying a toddler around all day every day? 

Here's some photos taken on the day he arrived, compared to the latest photos from his foster family.

Doesn't he look fabulous? 

Henry gets so excited now for his walk and he manages an hour up and down the Prom, into the village to see his adoring fans. He loves playing with other dogs and meeting people.

For the first time since arriving in foster he has even played with toys!

How did his foster family do this?

Henry's wonderful foster family started off with 10 minutes walks. They made them exciting and would bounce around with big happy voices to get Henry excited for the prospect of having a walk. These walks were slowly increased up to the hour he is now doing.

Henry eats like the king he is. He has said goodbye to the steak and cheese was he previously being fed and now has low fat kibble with either boiled chicken or tuna mixed in. Henry occasionally has a little tinned dog food but always has some Salmon Oil in his food to keep the amazing shine Henry has on his coat.

Treats are kept to a minimum, which Henry really doesn't miss, although he knows he will get a treat after his walk.

Henry doesn't like visits to the vet, although his vet is amazing with him and takes things slow, he is getting better and we are sure the weight loss has helped with this. Henry must have been in a certain degree of pain carrying around that toddler.

A huge well done Henry and to his foster family who have been by his side every step of the way. We are certain now Henry is going to have a wonderful, healthy, pain free life now he has shed the weight. 

You keep up the good work boy.  Here he is waiting for his walk.

Now, where do I sign up to this weight loss retreat? (photos in the link below)

King Henry's journey to a healthy future - Basset Rescue Network of Great Britain

15th November 2024

Well Henry, or "King Henry" as he is known. 

Henry moved from his initial foster as he was suffering massively with separation anxiety.  Although his first foster family tried to help Henry with this sadly he was definitely Velcro and they had to resort to having family members coming over even if they were just popping out for half an hour.

We are really grateful for Henry’s foster family who we know were devastated that they couldn’t help him in the long run.

So Henry has moved up to Blackpool where he has gained a massive fan club; we are sure you will see why from the photos!

When Henry joined us he was a massive 44kg.  He had been living with his elderly owner who, we believe, had been feeding him all the best foods……sadly the best foods being steak and cheese.  We know that Henry’s owner was just loving him and doing what they thought was best, I mean who wouldn’t want to eat steak and cheese all the time?

Henry couldn’t and wouldn’t walk more than 5 minutes with his first foster family, much to the amusement of their neighbours and ring doorbells!  (see the photo, yes Henry just decided to have a rest……..for some time!) This wasn’t your average flat basset, this was a basset who just could not walk any further.

By the time he moved to Blackpool his weight had dropped a little, hope you can see the difference in his photos.  At his last weigh in at the end of October, he was a wonderful 34kg and thoroughly enjoying his adventures and walks along the beach, prom and the surrounding countryside.  He even now runs on his walks instead of struggles to put one foot in front of the other.  His walks last an hour now!  Instead of Henry stopping for a rest, he now gets stopped constantly to be swooned over!

Wonderful King Henry sleeps soundly all night, and enjoys his meals.

Sadly Henry’s fear of the vets still needs a bit of work.  He went in and was weighed but no treatment or examination could be done as he was so scared.  Sedatives were prescribed with an appointment the following day; thankfully this worked and Henry’s nails were successfully trimmed.  This has helped his walking (and running!) even more.

We are sure you will agree King Henry is stunning and such a wonderful loving boy.

We are so proud of him and how far he has come.

A huge thank you to his first foster family who tried so very hard with Henry and really helped with his weight loss, his temporary foster who had him for a few nights whilst transport to Blackpool was arranged and of course his transport volunteers. 

8th September 2024

Please give 5 year old Henry a big BRNGB welcome!

Henry joined us yesterday after being with his family since a young puppy.  Sadly his owner was unable to continue looking after him so they made the sad decision to surrender him into our care. 

He's proving to be a nice boy; we were told he is not a happy traveller but was a transport dream being such a good boy.  Our wonderful transporter who collected him and took him to foster said he was one, if not the, best transport buddy she'd had! 

He sounds like a total basset on paper, laid back, easy going, happy to meet people and other dogs once he's had the chance to weigh them up.  Will chase cats but never been quick enough to catch them and loves his big, squishy bed.  

Potentially he's not a fan of the vets or having his claws cut so we will see how he gets on at his initial assessment which will take place in the next week or so. 

Henry doesn't need anything at the moment, but if you would like to donate to his care, or buy a raffle ticket which will go towards supporting Henry the links for both are below. 

We will keep you updated as Henry's foster continues. 




They never ever leave a Basset behind always do everything in their power to get the hounds to the right fosters and forever homes in a word they are "AMAZING".

BRNGB Supporter

Great work, no hound gets left behind. A true sentiment that is the embodiment of what this organisation is about. Great work team.

BRNGB Supporter

They do a good job of saving these hounds and finding special homes for life. They also work hard to raise money to pay for any vet bills.

BRNGB Supporter

They do outstanding work with the hounds & always put them first, They match hounds with their perfect parents & when they need vet treatment they get it done, these people are Amazing, could not recommend them enough

BRNGB Supporter

Thank you for sending my recent purchases from your shop. Very efficient and wonderful quality merchandise, particularly the canvas/hessian bags and the t-shirts

BRNGB Supporter

We have the privilege of adopting Dylan. The whole process was seamless and very reassuring that they cover all bases, both in relation to vetting us and also in the assessment of the hound

BRNGB Supporter