June 2024
Agnes is such a superstar; she drags her foster dad here and there all over the town, she knows exactly who she wants to see on her walks and where they will be for the fuss, compliments and belly rubs.....be that at the local car wash where they all love her, the garage where all the staff come out to say hi, or the local park where she gets the best compliments! Even the local kids celebrate her in their pavement art! (see the photo gallery!)
She really has changed over the last few months to a slightly calmer girl. Her confidence has grown, she listens more and tries her very best not to be naughty and pully when out on walks.
From the girl with no name who arrived from a pound in December 2023 to a celebrity in her neighbourhood, she's had quite the journey!
What better way to end her journey but to announce that her long suffering foster dad (trust us Agnes has put him through the ringer one way of another over the months) has decided that he cannot be without this girl, and we are sure Agnes feels the same way about him, so she has been adopted and she won't be leaving!
We are so very pleased for Agnes, the way she has changed and grown, it really is the best for her. So congratulations Agnes on your pink sofa!
Thank you to everyone who supported Agnes on her journey, be that emergency fostering, transporting, financial support, picking her name, wish lists and general good wishes. Agnes wouldn't have had the chances she had without you all.
Updated 31st March 2024
Agnes, oh Agnes!
Agnes is becoming a bit of a celebrity in Northamptonshire where she is in foster! She's getting to know all the neighbours and local haunts.
She even had a police car stop all the traffic on one of the main roads the other day as she was waiting to cross and they obviously decided she needed some assistance!
She has now been spayed and has been signed off by the vet.
Agnes is a very determined lady and a lot of work is needed to get her to calm down and listen and stop being a bull in a china shop!
She does suffer with bouts of poorly tummy, and will still move heaven and earth to snaffle anything she can find when out on walks.
Still a lot of work to be done with this girl, but all that aside, she's a very loving girl who wants to be near you all the time, even if that means answering the door with you to the grocery delivery!
We've updated her gallery below so you can enjoy this beautiful girl.
Update 8th February 2024
Well what can we say about Agnes!
She's been the vets who believe her to be around 2 and a half years old. They also believe that she's probably had at least two litters in her short life.
She has the basset streak strong! She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it. If that means sitting in the park for 2 hours waiting for a squirrel to come down the treee so she can chase it then sit she will! She's even managed to catch a rat which thankfully she was convinced a rat was not a new pet for her and she really did need to leave it. Agnes does suffer from an upset tummy if she eats something out of the ordinary so her foster dad has his hands full making sure she doesn't pick anything up and eat it when out walking.
She is nose down, tail up on walks looking for anything she can snaffle. This could be from her days as a stray, or she's just a scavenger! She has started to wear a snood on her walks as her beautiful ears were getting damaged with all the dragging along.
She has some human friends where she is in foster, who she is more than happy to say hello to! She gets very excited about people and other dogs and loves to yell hello to everyone when out and about.
She is slowly learning manners in that jumping around and yelling for her food bowl doesn't make it appear any quicker and her foster dad is working on redirections when out and about.
Agnes does love a cuddle and a sunbathe when she's having a snooze.
She has started her vaccinations and all in all the vets are quite happy with this girl.
We'll update again soon, but we've added some pictures to her gallery for you to enjoy
Initial information:-
As most of you will recall, Agnes came to us in a rush. She was found as a stray and was in a pound for her statutory time (8 days) and was still ownerless as well as nameless. We were contacted to see if we could accept her into foster or she would go to the dog warden where her days would be numbered.
Of course we said yes and one of our wonderful fosters dropped everything to get her home and you wonderful folks donated and suggested names for the Girl with No Name and Agnes was the winner! Just look at the collar she arrived with, how incredibly sad is that? But she is totally loved now thanks to her family of supporters!
She spent nearly a week with her temporary foster where it became clear she knew what a home was, had no issues with getting on the sofa for a snooze, and check out the kitchen work tops for any food. But it was also clear she craved love, to be cuddled, was unsure of herself and needed to be reassured.
She is now in her full foster home in Northampton and is showing a real cheeky, loving, quick witted, clever side. She is bringing so much joy to watch her bloom. Her foster dad said "she isn't blossoming, she has exploded into full bloom!"
We are so pleased she is now being loved completly. Just look at all the gifts she received with her wish list.
We will update again once she has had her vet check and we know more about her.