The best part of our website, the hounds that have chosen their humans and decided their sofa's are suitable so have decided to stay with them forever!

As always our grateful thanks go to our Fosterers, Home Checkers, Transporters and our Supporters who's donations have helped these hounds find their forever homes.

Gus and Bear

Hits: 1071
  • Name: Gus and Bear

  • Age: 4 and 7 years

  • Sex: Male

  • Location: Norfolk

11th December 2024

We've been a bit late to the party with Gus and Bear.  

After their surgeries they have both made a full and speedy recovery.  Their enthusiasm for the outside world has not waned at all and they are loving life and continue with their demands for love and attention.  

We are really pleased to announce that Gus and Bear have been adopted by their foster family.  The bond that formed very quickly between them all could not be broken and we couldn’t be happier for all.  

So congratulations Gus and Bear, we will keep in touch with you lovely lads and look forward to sharing your adventures with you.  

11th November 2024

What can we say about Gus and Bear? They are as adorable as they look, cheeky, funny, cuddly and so very loving.  

Both have now had their vaccinations and they can now be let free on the world which they have embraced with such enthusiasm.  They are thoroughly enjoying their walks, which occasionally end up at a pub.  They are of course showered with love and attention from all they meet which they lap up endlessly!  

Gus’ ear and skin treatment is continuing with Apoqual.  Bear’s itchy skin is being monitored now they are on special food to help alleviate this issue. 

Bear did have a little sore on his paw which has been treated with some Betafuse cream. 

Gus’ previous vet records indicated that he had suffered a seizure type episode previously; he had a very slight one last week which he came out of very quickly and was perfectly fine wondering what all the fuss was about.  This will of course be monitored and discussed with the vet 

Both of the wonderful boys are having surgery on the 12th November, Bear will be having some dental work carried out and Gus is having the tumour removed from his eye so we will update further once they are home and recovering.   This evening they are having lots of snuggles and cuddles.

They really are thriving in foster and are adapting wonderfully.  

29th September 2024 

Well Gus and Bear have had a fabulous first week in foster.  

They've enjoyed exploring the gardcen, taking part in business meetings in the garden office, going shopping, out and about in town and visiting the vet.  Yes they enjoyed that too!  

These boys literally take everything in their stride.  They are so loving, happy and comfortable with each other.  Happy to have a snuggle, and equally happy to have a game of bitey face....if Bear doesn't manage to win against his dad he does go off in a huff! 

Now they were happy enough at the vets, but there are a few issues with the boys. 

They were happy to be around other animals in the waiting room and just sat waiting patiently for their turn.

In the examination room Bear was first up with his examination. He's in pretty good health apart from his itching and bad teeth (photos below) four or five teeth need to be removed.

He has been scratching a lot which the vet believes is a result of an allergy (also Gus seems to be suffering the same) but not too sure what causes it. The Vet has suggested trying a different type of food which we have ordered and the boys have started changing over to it.

Bear is chemically castrated, once this expires he will be booked in for surgical castration which will be the end of this year, early next year. 

Gus was extremely well behaved when it was his turn. He's anal glands needed to be emptied as they were extremely full and uncomfortable. He's teeth were in very good condition which was a nice surprise considering the condition of Bears.

His allergy and itching is slightly worse than Bears at the moment so have prescribed some tablets to try along with the change of food. Gus also needs his ears cleaned regularly as a result of the allergy, lotion has been provided.

The Vet took a close look at he's eye and it appears he has a small tumour that needs to be addressed at some point which will probably mean surgery.  We are seeking options for this and will be led by the vets.

They have been perscribed Ear solution - Otodine for both; additional ear solution for Gus- Surolan; Food recommended- Royal Canine anallergenic Or Hills 7 D

A follow up appointment has been arranged for Gus and the vet has suggested that Bears teeth are a priority. 

All in all not the worst frst vet report we have received, but concerning about Gus' eye. 

If you would like to donate to the care of the boys you can do using the link below, or of course you can donate towards the raffle this month, link is also below.

22nd September 2024 

Gus and Bear are father and son; Gus being 7 years old (brown face) and Bear being 4 years old (black blanket).

They arrived today to start their foster assessment. Please do not make any enquiries about their adoption as they will go unanswered at thie time.

Massive thank you to their transport team who assisted on their arrival today.

They are very much bonded, sharing a bed, happy to be around each other at food times and snuggling down together.

They have been on a little walk, are enjoying playing with their new toys that their foster family got ready for their arrival and are being really fun and happy.

They will undergo a vet check; Bear will need neutering when the time is right. As always they will get anything they need.

Once they have had their vet check we will update. Meanwhile, do enjoy their handsomeness! Aren't they just stunning? Their foster family are totally smitten already.

If you would like to donate to their care the link is below, together with the link for this month's fundraiser.  As always all donations will go towards all of the hounds in our care. 

They never ever leave a Basset behind always do everything in their power to get the hounds to the right fosters and forever homes in a word they are "AMAZING".

BRNGB Supporter

Great work, no hound gets left behind. A true sentiment that is the embodiment of what this organisation is about. Great work team.

BRNGB Supporter

They do a good job of saving these hounds and finding special homes for life. They also work hard to raise money to pay for any vet bills.

BRNGB Supporter

They do outstanding work with the hounds & always put them first, They match hounds with their perfect parents & when they need vet treatment they get it done, these people are Amazing, could not recommend them enough

BRNGB Supporter

Thank you for sending my recent purchases from your shop. Very efficient and wonderful quality merchandise, particularly the canvas/hessian bags and the t-shirts

BRNGB Supporter

We have the privilege of adopting Dylan. The whole process was seamless and very reassuring that they cover all bases, both in relation to vetting us and also in the assessment of the hound

BRNGB Supporter