Update June 2024
Brenwyn is a superstar! Her stomach issues have really calmed down, her diet is still restricted but is completly manageable and she is thriving on her food, her weight is perfect, her coat shines and her eyes have a wonderful (maybe slightly naughty) glint in them!
Brenwyn loves nothing better than stealing socks, playing in the freedom field with her buddies, and tormenting her foster brother who adores her, to the point he howls the house down if she goes out without him.
Sounds like a match made in heaven? It really is, so much so that Brenwyn's foster family have decided she couldn't possibly leave them so they made the decision that she will be staying. What better way than to celebrate with a family BBQ, even if Brenwyn couldn't have any of the goodies!
Congratulations to Brenwyn, what a change in this girl.
Thank you to all of Brenwyn's supporters, her transporters and of course her foster family.
31st May 2024
Brenwyn is doing so very well and loving life in foster.
She does suffer badly from Irritable Bowel Disease and has to have a very strict special diet. Any change to the diet can really set her back. We are so pleased to say that she has reached her perfect weight and seems very stable on the ProPlan food that she has been eating since she joined us.
When a hound in foster needs a special diet your donations purchase this, so thank you to everyone who has donated to Brenwyn.
She enjoys playing with the resident hound, but when she or he has enough, she is happy to just be with people and have a snooze.
She has started her vaccinations and will be back at the vet to finish these off shortly. Her hips do not appear to be of a concern at the moment but of course we will be continuing to monitor these with the vet.
All in all a very happy girl who enjoys her spa days and just being Brenwyn!
16th April 2024
Please welcome this lovely little girl Brenwyn into the BRNGB family.
She joined us on the 13th April. She's a tiny little 18mths old, she is a darling and has had a really poor start in life due to her poor breeding.
Her owner has been in contact with us for a while as Brenwyn has been undergoing tests as she has struggled to maintain weight.
Brenwyn has been diagnosed with mild hip dysplasia, IBS and gastritis. She is now on a special diet of hydrolysed kibble and things are settling down which is wonderful news.
Sadly her owner couldn't continue to care for Brenwyn, which had nothing to do with her diagnosis, and they made the heart breaking decision to surrender Brenwyn into our care. They have been in touch regularly for updates on how she is going, and really do love her to pieces.
She cannot have dog treats and she cannot have access to the usual dog foods.
We are so grateful to have a foster family who's previous Beagle had very similar stomach issues, and they jumped at the chance to help Brenwyn and with their extensive knowledge we grabbed them with both hands.
As you can see from the photos Brenwyn has settled into foster life really well; she's made friends with the resident hound, shares a bed, and appears to be plotting the demise of something from the top of the stairs.
We will keep you updated on Brenwyn who is doing wonderfully in foster.