The best part of our website, the hounds that have chosen their humans and decided their sofa's are suitable so have decided to stay with them forever!

As always our grateful thanks go to our Fosterers, Home Checkers, Transporters and our Supporters who's donations have helped these hounds find their forever homes.


Hits: 928
  • Name: Betsy

  • Age: 5

  • Sex: Female

  • Location: Somerset


7th August 2024

The lovely Betsy has really come out of her shell and formed a close bond with her foster hound brother (who is also a BRNGB Hound).  

She's eating well and enjoying her walks.  She's even had a little holiday, she really enjoyed all the new sights and smells. 

The 6 week assessment for Betsy has flown by, she neeed very little medical attention but obviously had her check ups, flea, worming treatments as well as her vaccinations which her foster family kindly donated the cost of. 

It's been a real joy to watch Betsy come out of her shell from a closed down, incredibly sad hound, to one who likes to find treasure and flounce around with her bounty; have a snuggle with her foster hound brother or humans; wags her tail on walks; and now eats well. 

And the best news, as Betsy is so settled and bonded, her foster family have decided she is one of the family and she will not be leaving, she has found her forever home.  This is the best news considering how sad Betsy was losing her original family.  We are so pleased she will not be going through that heart break again. 

Huge thank you to Besty's supporters, donators, transporters and well wishers.  The biggest thank you to Besty's, now forever, family for loving her and helping her through her grief. 

We look forward to watching Betsy continue with her journey.

13th July 2024 

Fabulous news, Betsy has started to eat her meals without being hand fed!  Betsy was very closed down when she arrived as you will see from below, her foster family are seeing very slow, but very positive improvements.

Betsy is enjoying her walks and snuggles with the resident basset.  She is still very nervous about meeting other people and dogs when out and about.  If someone new comes to the house she will take herself off upstairs.  At the moment it really is baby steps with her with the reward of glimmers of hope that she is settling and happy. 

June 2024

Betsy has just turned 5 years old.  She arrived in the BRNGB family at the end of June. 

She has a devastating story; Betsy lived with her owner and a Pointer sibling  both of whom she was very attached to and adored.  

Betsy was heartbreakingly found at home with her deceased owner; we don't know how long she was in this terrifying situation and our condolences go to Betsy's family. 

The Pointer has been taken into a breed specific rescue prior to our knowledge of Betsy; Betsy spent the last few days with a basset savvy friend who has since surrendered her to us with the family's blessing. 

Understandably Betsy is very shut down and traumatised by events and misses her human and pointer brother deeply.  

She is in foster with another basset and she will be given time to grieve, decompress and show us who she is. 

So far, putting the nervousness and sadness aside, she is showing very positive traits.  She's managed a little tail wag and just loves being groomed.  

We will take it very slowly with this girl, she needs to know she is safe and all of her physical needs will be met whilst she mentally heals. 

Betsy doesn't like eating out of a bowl and is slowly begining to eat from her foster family's hands.  In the short time she has been with them she is settling and showing signs of happiness.  We will keep you updated as to her progress 



They never ever leave a Basset behind always do everything in their power to get the hounds to the right fosters and forever homes in a word they are "AMAZING".

BRNGB Supporter

Great work, no hound gets left behind. A true sentiment that is the embodiment of what this organisation is about. Great work team.

BRNGB Supporter

They do a good job of saving these hounds and finding special homes for life. They also work hard to raise money to pay for any vet bills.

BRNGB Supporter

They do outstanding work with the hounds & always put them first, They match hounds with their perfect parents & when they need vet treatment they get it done, these people are Amazing, could not recommend them enough

BRNGB Supporter

Thank you for sending my recent purchases from your shop. Very efficient and wonderful quality merchandise, particularly the canvas/hessian bags and the t-shirts

BRNGB Supporter

We have the privilege of adopting Dylan. The whole process was seamless and very reassuring that they cover all bases, both in relation to vetting us and also in the assessment of the hound

BRNGB Supporter