The best part of our website, the hounds that have chosen their humans and decided their sofa's are suitable so have decided to stay with them forever!

As always our grateful thanks go to our Fosterers, Home Checkers, Transporters and our Supporters who's donations have helped these hounds find their forever homes.


Hits: 1330
  • Name: Bertie

  • Age: 3

  • Sex: Male

  • Location: Derbyshire

28th August 2024

Since Bertie's last update he's been doing really well. 

His tabbard, and "Need Space" lead are doing their job and people are being really respectful about giving Bertie the space he needs.  They will stop at a distance and let him say hello and then move on when he's ready.  It's also giving people the opportunity to ask about him and why he needs space which is amazing.  He's comfortable and all the wonderful people that stop to ask understand why he needs the space.  Because of this he is getting calmer and braver. 

He did have a bout of gastroenteritis which has thankfully cleared up and he is back to eating well. 

He even managed a car ride without being sick. 

Bertie has been with his foster family since February, all that time they have been working with him and helping him understand the world and they've done amazingly. Here's what they said about Bertie recently 

Bertie continues to thrive and he is making friends whilst on his walks. We do find more people talk to us about him due to his tabbard and are respecting his boundaries. He is still wary of people but has come on leaps and bounds.

The cat is still enemy number 1 and he makes sure everyone in the close is aware as well ?

We still have some small issues with mouthing but dads arm and shoelaces are very tough at the moment but he seems to only do this when he’s tired and dad is going out ?

Dad is patching the garden up after every time Bertie is out for a wee but does it with a happy smile because he knows Bertie is happy.

With the hot weather it has been challenging to get his much needed walks in but 8-9pm walks have been fun for Bertie as he can fun on the field as all the kids are in bed.

He has a dedicated fan upstairs which he ensures he is right in front of when in bed and makes sure he positions himself so no one else can get his space ?

He has amassed a treasure chest over flowing with toys and has a favourite for each of us and ensures that we throw for him to chase. 

We have continued to work on him in the car and we took him for a drive this weekend and there was no car sickness ? He is a happy boy and is definitely enjoying home comforts and being part of a family

Bertie's foster family decided they really couldn't part with him after being with him for so long and him being so settled and happy with them, so we are so pleased to say Bertie has found his forever home and has been adopted. 

Thank you so much to Bertie's foster family who have worked so hard with him.  Thank you also to our volunteers who assessed Bertie before joining the family, who transported him and of course to his supporters. 

Congratulations Bertie, we look forward to hearing about your life.

Update June 2024 

Bertie is a joy, with a few querks! 

He has had some treatment for his gums as they were a bit sore, also for a rash that appeared on his legs, both of which now has improved. 

He gets so very excited when people come visit, he's little a little ball of energy and he just doesn't know how to release it without exploding!  

Bertie is still suffering from a gassy tummy and does get car sick both of which are being addressed and hopefully these will reduce with time.  The gassy tummy is being treated by the vet, and hopefully the car journeys will get better with time and gentle encouragement. 

Bertie is showing signs of fear aggression when out and about towards some dogs.  We've sent a "need space" coat, lead and human tabbard to help with training.  We're pleased to report that these tools are helping massively and people are repecting the yellow lead when they see Bertie out and about.  He looks very smart we must say 

Here's what his foster family would like to tell you all  about Bertie 

Bertie has continued to make friends on his walks mostly in human form and as long as they keep a reasonable distance; he is still in the toleration stage of other dogs but we are working on this and a few of the regular people we see daily on walks have offered to help socialise him when we are ready.

He is getting soo much better with invited visitors to the house and once he has throughly inspected them he will climb into their laps ready for fuss.

He is still continuing his neighbourhood watch roll which he takes very seriously and arch enemy number one is the cat in the corner house who he keeps a close eye on from the front window.

We have been using his tabard since it arrived and are alternating the lead depending on what walk we are doing, when he’s on the field we need the retractable lead, when he’s walking around the area we use the yellow lead. It has helped immensely and we find from 99% people they do see it and take notice.

He’s had great fun this morning running on the fields with Natt and both were tired out by the time we got home. 

His walking is improving and we find he isn’t as scared walking past parked cars but if there is a car going past he sometimes does still try to lunge but we know it is a work in progress.

We are still progressing with this calms chews and the anti drooling tablets.

A wonderful update for a wonderful hound 

Update 2nd April 2024

When Bertie arrived in our care he was a very small 16.6kg basset with what looked like very long legs!  He's now 18kg so he is slowly gaining weight and has a wonderful appetite. 

He has experienced lots of the world whilst in foster, he just loves his walks, although gets nervous when he sees small dogs or vans.  If he is approached by strangers he can be un-sure, but with gentle encouragement he is getting better. 

He is getting better with house training; although the barking at the neighbours through the window is still a work in progress! 

He loves being involved, be that having a snooze on your lap, of helping with the cooking or gardening, please see the photos in his gallery.  He enjoys a variety of places to sleep! 

He needs to be with people and doesn't like being left out of any adventures.  His puppy ways of mouthing is still present but Bertie is learning this isn't acceptable.  

Just loves toys! 

All in all he is proving himself to be a wonderful, cheeky, cuddly hound.

25th February 2024

Bertie joined the BRNGB family last weekend. 

He's very much still a puppy despite his age, and he's got the longest legs for a basset!  He needs to put on some weight and started off being fussy with food or not wanting to eat, however he's being won around!

He is excited to go on walks, and loves nothing better than shouting back at any dogs that shout at him!  He is a contender for curtain twitcher of the year! 

He's so playful, but forgets himself and gets so very excited, his foster family are working with him about calming down, and maybe not shouting so much!

Bertie is a brilliant countersurfer as well and will stick his head in to see what's going on at any given opportunity! 

Thank you for his wish list, he just loves his toys! 

They never ever leave a Basset behind always do everything in their power to get the hounds to the right fosters and forever homes in a word they are "AMAZING".

BRNGB Supporter

Great work, no hound gets left behind. A true sentiment that is the embodiment of what this organisation is about. Great work team.

BRNGB Supporter

They do a good job of saving these hounds and finding special homes for life. They also work hard to raise money to pay for any vet bills.

BRNGB Supporter

They do outstanding work with the hounds & always put them first, They match hounds with their perfect parents & when they need vet treatment they get it done, these people are Amazing, could not recommend them enough

BRNGB Supporter

Thank you for sending my recent purchases from your shop. Very efficient and wonderful quality merchandise, particularly the canvas/hessian bags and the t-shirts

BRNGB Supporter

We have the privilege of adopting Dylan. The whole process was seamless and very reassuring that they cover all bases, both in relation to vetting us and also in the assessment of the hound

BRNGB Supporter